

USA Fraudulent

Judicial System

          In the 21st Century the Choctaw Tribal Nation has uncovered and has preserved recorded evidence in the record(s) of Court(s) within what is presently known as the United States of America (which is merely a “privately” held company) is engaging in PAPER” Genocide, WAR Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities prohibited under Choctaw Laws as well as INTERNATIONAL Laws governing the following – i.e. however, NOT limited to these listings alone:

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Paper Genocide


War crimes,murdermassacresdehumanizationgenocideethnic cleansingdeportationsunethical human experimentationextrajudicial punishments  including summary executions,  use of weapons of mass destruction,state terrorism  or  state sponsoring of terrorism,death squadskidnappings  and  forced disappearances,use of child soldiersunjust imprisonment,enslavement,torturerapepolitical repression,racial discrimination,religious persecution  and other human rights abuses  may reach the threshold of crimes against humanity if they are part of a widespread or systematic practice. - - As of 10/16/2022:




          Research has found that our Matriarch Kersh Ervin Robinson’s daughter (Najiah Alifa Allahmmimra Millennium Queen) is being subjected to PAPER Genocide and other War Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity, etc. by the United States of America’s Officials and their so-called Agencies (as the State of Colorado [a “privately” held company] and its sub-agencies [as Denver County – another “privately” held company], etc.) for purposes of enslavement, assassination and/or genocide. . .

          It is the Choctaw Tribal Nation’s duty and obligation to notify the Public / World of the War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and other Atrocities, etc. that have been launched against our Sovereign Nation and Citizens / People. Moreover, to provide facts and / or evidence exposing the unlawful Wars against those who have been LABELED as “INDIANS that are still being carried out here within what is presently known as the United States of America / United States!

          Furthermore, presenting facts / evidence to reveal “HOW” those who chose not to be placed on so-called Plantations (disguised as RESERVATIONS) were once LABELED as being Indians are now LABELED as “BLACKS” for purposes of subjecting them to so-called Legislation Laws (which can be lawfully challenged) that have become known as “BLACK Codes,” “Jim Crow Laws,” and “13th Amendment Schemes” that are not only prohibited under Choctaw Laws but that of International Laws, etc. governing said matters!

DENVER County Court Najiah Millennium Queen 22CR04613





          As the Choctaw Tribal Nation moves forward in exposing the United States of America’s / United States’ Corporation Empire and its Officials’, etc. conspiracies to enslave the Native People (here within what is presently known as the United States of America (“USA”)), as a matter of our Native Nation’s Laws as well as International Laws, it is important to document as well as preserve evidence to support good-faith efforts to resolve issues PRIOR to pursuing RESTITUTION relief and / or other applicable relief for the injuries / harm sustained (and/or may continue to sustain) as a direct and proximate result of the USA’s / United States’ Officials, Representatives, Employees, Legal Counsel and their Co-Conspirators, etc. engaging in WAR Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, violation(s) of Geneva Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948), Ethnic Cleansing, violation(s) of Chemical Weapons Convention (1997), as well as other Atrocities / serious violations of international laws in the past, present, and future – i.e. as

USA Officials . . ., their Presidents, their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, and their Co-Conspirators (i.e. which appears to include what is known as Member States [United Kingdom, Germany, China, and Russia . . .]).

          Many Native People may erroneously conclude (due to “failure to act” on complaints / reports provided to so-called law enforcement agencies/officials, etc.) that there is nothing they can do to bring USA Officials and / or their Agency(s) – as the State of Mississippi and their

County / Town / City / Municipality . . . Officials, etc. – to JUSTICE! However, there are lawful “INTERNATIONAL” options available to Native Nations and their Citizens / People to recover for the injuries / harm they have sustained and / or may continue to be subjected to by the USA’s / United States’ Nazis, White Supremacists, Ku Klux Klan and / or Jews / Zionists as a direct and proximate result, etc. of WAR Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, violation(s) of Geneva Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948), Ethnic Cleansing, violation(s) of Chemical Weapons Convention (1997),

as well as other Atrocities / serious violations of international laws in the past, present, and future.
          On our website, we share the good-faith efforts of Choctaw Natives - as Ira B. Johnson and her husband (Cary Cornelius Johnson) - who are being victimized and have had their Lands / Territories and Property, etc. STOLEN through “FORECLOSURE Scams / Schemes” of Nazis / White Supremacists / Ku Klux Klan and Jews / Zionists . . .

Please understand that this is a LAWFULLY formed government and we are NOT a business, corporation nor MOVEMENT!
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